Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Keeping it Simple

In line with the freedom I've felt since moving to Australia to reflect on why I am doing certain things or spending my time in certain ways, I could not get in gear to throw a birthday party for my kids this year...much less three.  I had this great idea that to take some of the burden off I would just throw one huge house party for all three of them (since they mostly have the same friends anyway) and I would theme it "our favorite things" since Caden was set on Star Wars, Marin on Dora, and, well, Hallie is still too little to have many specific preferences for characters or themes.

However, as the days and weeks wore on and the target period got closer and closer, I still couldn't get up an ounce of excitement or motivation to start the process.  After some serious honesty sessions with myself, I realized that surely our lives and photo albums could live without a fully themed birthday party for one year (at least) and that none of my children would be scarred by the omission.  Can you hear that?  That's the sound of unnecessary stress leaving the building.  Whew!  There is something about trying to figure out how to do all the little things and put the finishing touches on a party in a country where everything is different - costs, stores, brands, etc. that can wear you out faster than singing "For He's a Jolly Good Fellow."  Nothing about that process sounded fun or necessary to me this year, so why not take a break?

Well that's just what we did and we are all still doing just fine.  So, what did we do for our birthdays?  Both Caden and Marin were sent to school with treats for them to celebrate with their school mates, and then that night the kids had fun opening presents and cards from family and friends back in the States, plus Mommy & Daddy of course.  S-I-M-P-L-E. What's so great is that they both felt celebrated and mommy didn't have to lose her ever-lovin mind.  It was a win - win. And that "S" word, it's the best thing to enter my life since the birth of my last child.  S-I-M-P-L-E...it's such a great thing!

A few birthday photos, proving that you can have a great birthday without a massively planned party.

First day as a five year old
the big boy even let his little sister open one of his presents

what else? Star Wars galore.

 enjoying a birthday cupcake.

bad to the bone.

 wheeeee on my new scooter.

for Marin's birthday, we spent the afternoon at a park with some of our dear friends the Purnell's, and went later for fish and chips.  This crew couldn't get enough scooter time.

as we ate, we noticed carload after carload of high school age kids dressed in formals right outside the restaurant where we were eating.  Later, on the way back to our car, a disco bus pulled up with another load of partiers and, after unloading, the bus driver let our kids go to the back and dance to Katy Perry, Snoop Dogg and who knows who else.  It was such a birthday treat for our little sassy dancer.

when we got home, we had Marin's favorite - cupcakes with chocolate icing. I love the effect of the soft blur of this photo and the sweetness in her eyes.  

afterwards - opening presents.

more Dora stuff = happy 3 year old.

So, that's two birthday's down and one left to go.  Who knows what we'll do next year, but at least we have 12 whole months to think about it!


  1. Good for you, Jen! It makes me so happy to see you really enjoying life and taking pleasure in the S-I-M-P-L-E things! Happy belated birthday to both the kiddos. Tell them the Apple Valley gang didn't forget about them... just running a little behind. Love you guys!

  2. I fell the stress come off just reading this. I am definitely moving this way for next year's bday - as small as possible - and maybe at my home without the parents. Regardless, it's time to do a heart check and ask ourselves why we are doing this all. Just read Radical by David Platt that is making me reevaluating all this as well. Thankful for your honesty! Enjoy the savings as well in dollars on no blow out party...

  3. Well done on keeping it simple:)
    It still looks like they had a great time and birthdays come around so quickly when you are 5 and 3:)
