Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Bunny & Paw Visit - Part 1

At the end of September, my parents, also known as "Bunny and Paw" by the kids, came over to Oz for their first visit.  It was such a welcome break from the day-to-day life, and we were all thrilled to see them arrive after that 24 hour's a doozie folks.

A two-week visit would have been a treat, but we were in for four whole weeks with our precious family, so their visit will be spread into multiple posts.

we made a sign for them to see at the airport that the kids colored themselves.  Of course Caden didn't want to hold it by himself...too embarrassed.  And, don't ask me why I'm standing like that...I know I look goofy.

So glad Mr. Kookaburra decided to make a showing that first afternoon and introduce himself to our visitors.

There's not much to say about the first two weeks other than it rained.  It's something when sunny Queensland gets the most rain they've had in something like 50 years.  I'm happy for the state, but it sure did put a damper on our plans!

Our first trip out was to Burleigh Heads. A quaint little beach town just a bit farther south than Surfer's Paradise on the Gold Coast.  It wasn't the blue-sky picturesque day that we were hoping for, but no rain = opportunity.

looking for shells

making sandcastles

proud of her find

hangin' with Paw

our crew...minus Bunny, behind the lens.

the rocks at Burleigh looked almost black on this part-cloudy day...that's Surfer's in the far distance...doesn't show up as well on screen as it does in the real photo, but it makes for an amazing backdrop!

we had fun looking in the tide pools for fish and shells - they are full of treasures like these.

feed them and they will come

here's our noisy little parade.

one of the many creepy-crawleys.

On the south side of Burleigh was one of the quietest and calmest beaches I have seen since we've been here.  It looked like a great place to play with small children or just float around in the water.  I'm pretty sure it's on the list of places to go back and see again.

The following week, we took B&P to the Australia Zoo.  It was our second trip, but it was just as much fun as the first!  This time it was school holidays and we went to see Bindi the Jungle Girl perform and her mom, Terrie Irwin, feed the crocs with little Bob-bob.  It still gets me that Steve isn't there doing what he loved so much.  I can only imagine Australia's sense of loss when his life was taken. 

Bindi and the Jungle Girls

Terrie Irwin, Bindi and Bob-bob waiting to feed the crocs

look at the size of that thing!  He's about to do the death roll.

posing with Steve...crikey!

feeding the elephants

Caden got to meet one of his favorite characters - Ben 10

one of the cute and cuddlies at the zoo

one of the many walls that pays tribute to Steve's amazing life and career.

little devil

cool roo

marin wasn't sure she wanted to get much closer to the koala.

caden wanted to take his photo with this gigantic statue...

monkey see monkey do...

and Bunny & Paw too

That's one more successful trip to the Australia Zoo under our belts.  I sincerely hope that next year they run the same special we got in on this year.  If you visited in the month of August you got a pass for the rest of the year.  That's a great deal considering the price is something like $60 per adult! That said, the zoo seems to spend it's profits wisely and put them into the things that they promote like conservation and wildlife research.

Later in the week, Bunny tried her hand at driving on the wrong side of the road.  Luckily, our car is still in one piece after our trip to the grocery.

And to wrap up, a few photos with our favorite Texas grandparents on the back patio...we spend so much time in this area of our house.  It really is an extension of our living space.  These photos don't show it, but one of my favorite memories from this whole trip was waking up to a house full of loved ones, who (lucky me) were already up and moving around in the morning, usually relaxing and drinking coffee to the sounds of the birds waking the world up.  We also spent a lot of time there in the evenings where Bunny would sit with an audience of 3 to watch the bats fly by during twilight. There are amazing colonies of gigantic fruit bats who live in the Brisbane area, which I will post more about soon.  But back to the grandparent lovin...

We love visitors! Big smiles!


  1. Just love visitors! Great post and so much included. I love all those typical animals the kids are loving on. The Ben10 picture cracks me up. I know its back home too but just seems so popular here. Your little excursion pictures are beautiful. Love seeing the beach/rocks/water. Awesome. Miss you friend. Especially this time of year. Fall, Birthdays, Christmas, etc! Love you!

  2. Wow, Jen! I love, love, love the photo of your girls holding hands from behind...amongst many others you have taken!

  3. Um, who is Ben 10?

    Love the croc hunter excursion. So fun your parents were in for so long! I am so behind on posts, but this was fun to see all your kiddos looking so big. I can still remember Marin at her 1st birthday party. Caden looks so old!
