Thursday, July 14, 2011

Bribie Island 4x4

A few months ago, we went on yet another 4x4 adventure with the Mitchells.  And, let me tell you, when I say adventure, we definitely got what we bargained for!

Bribie Island was one of the few Central East Coast islands that we hadn't visited yet, and one of the few places where you can 4x4 right onto the beach.  We decided we wanted to get out there before the winter season set in, so we headed out on a beautiful Saturday morning in April.

We started off at a great little park for the kids to blow off some steam before possibly being trapped in the car for a while.

Caden & Sawyer, Spider Monkeys.

Hallie Up.

Marin Up.

By mid-morning we were on the beach taking in the scenery and looking for a spot to picnic and swim. It didn't take us long to stumble upon the "happenin" 4x4 spot, near a nice little low tide lagoon.

Notice the color of the water?  Well, it's actually beautiful in person.  I don't know if it's that color because of the red clay soil that Australia is known for, or if it's from Tea Trees, which I've also read.

Smart guy. Totally stuck.

Time to boogie.

Picnic Set Up.

Posing for the Camera.

Like classic parents of the third child, we forgot Hallie's swimsuit.  Thanks Daisy for letting us borrow your cover up to romp around in the water!

After lunch and a nice long swim, we finally convinced Jonathan and Melisa to accompany us over the deep wash out and continue to the north end of the island.  After all, it was still early enough in the afternoon to make it there and back before high tide and before any risk of being stuck on the island without a way off.

Wash Out.

Being Brave.

So we headed out to see Ft. Bribie and were lucky to see some other sights along the way. 

Along the way I caught a glimpse of some roos grazing.  I was so excited I made Cory stop and let me out of the car to take photos.  After all, I wasn't scared of some cute little roos...

That is, until this guy stood up and was taller than me! Not sure of his next move, I stood still and waited as he hopped back to his little family.

Then I got this great shot, and was happy.

The North tip of the island was beautiful, and we got to see it towards the end of the day when the setting sun casts a golden sheen on everything.  It really was magical.

Little Explorers.

Fort Climbing.

Aussie Beach Brush.

Dune Climbing.
Happy Traveler.

A quick run on the beach for shutterbug mom...

Ended with a fall...

And resulted in this.  As a mom, I had to laugh.

Then we had to head back before it got too late or tide got too high.  There were several wash outs along the beach that we were concerned might become too deep to pass.  Little did we know that even after we were past the worst we had been through, thinking we were home free, we came to one not 100 yards from the road where we had originally entered the beach.  Quite a large crowd had gathered to look at the rushing water...oh how I wish I had a photo to show you.  If you follow these adventures on our blog, you might see a common theme, that when I get too nervous, I can't remember to pick up my camera!  Well, this was one of those moments, and I had no idea how we were going to get out of the mess we quickly realized we were in.  While we were busy talking through how we were going to make it through a night on the beach with 5 kids and 4 adults, sleeping in the car, food etc., an answered prayer showed up in the form of a park ranger.  Hallelujah! They told us the washout had only happened within the last hour or so, that the rain water that was standing in a pool on the island had given way and created a rushing ravine.  There were several other 4x4's still on the island that the rangers had to inform, so we followed them around and then to a secret road through the middle of the island back to civilization.  We were so thankful for the way out, but were soon to discover that the ride out was something to be even more thankful for.  It was gorgeous, and some of the best 4x4-ing we've done!

Our Ranger Escort.

Pretty Brush.

Inland Pond.

Our Caravan of 4x4's.

Over the river, and through the woods.

The Mitchell's, slingin' chili...sideways!

Scenery was just breathtaking the whole way through.

Sun setting on another awesome Aussie adventure!